Binding Words

Celtic LitRPG Harem

11 Books (Complete)

Placed on a new world, gifted with a new body crafted by the gods, and more gifts from other deities of the Tuatha De Danann, Sean now has the chance to live out a new life on a new world. Not everything will be sunshine and roses, however, in this world ruled by the Summer and Winter Queens. He learns quickly that words have power in this world, and that Agreements are binding.

Sean has his work cut out for finding his place in this new world

Morrigan's Bidding

Binding Words Book 1

Celtic LitRPG Harem

245 pages

Sean was just waiting for his best friend to show up at the bar so they could play some pool. It came as a shock when the tall blonde man accosted Sean and demanded that he change seats. His refusal would change his life...

When the fight ended, Sean found himself in the strangest meeting of his life. Odin, Archangel Michael, Lucifer, and Morrigan all vied for his soul, each offering different deals. Sean had to choose, so he chose to go with the goddess of Fate, Death, and Battle.

Placed on a new world, gifted with a new body crafted by the gods, and more gifts from other deities of the Tuatha De Danann, Sean now has the chance to live out a new life on a new world. Not everything will be sunshine and roses, however, in this world ruled by the Summer and Winter Queens. He learns quickly that words have power in this world, and that Agreements are binding.

Sean has his work cut out for finding his place in this new world.

Life Bonds

Binding Words Book 2

Celtic LitRPG Harem

Sean discovered that words do indeed have power, and Agreements are binding in this world, where the Queens of the Fey rule.

Fleeing the burning village of Oakwood, with Feline Moonbound pursuing them, Sean, Fiona Mithrilsoul, and Myna Mooncaller will have to find a way to coexist as they cross the wilds to distance themselves from the atrocities behind them.

The uncertainty of what will come constantly gnaws at Sean. Fiona is with him, now Bonded for ten years, but Myna has been Life Bonded to him. Trying to sort out his mixed-up feelings, Sean worries what might happen with the woman he loves and the friend he pulled back from death’s door.


Binding Words Book 3

Celtic LitRPG Harem

Having accepted the love of both Myna Mooncaller and Fiona Mithrilsoul, Sean discovered happiness he hadn’t ever thought he would know, and began to acknowledge how different this society was from his old world.

Everywhere they went, they ran into trouble. First had been bandits, which actually proved to be fortuitous, with Ryann Cullin entering Sean’s service after that attack. The sudden harsh blizzard had been the worst trial they had to endure. Cold that even Sean couldn’t withstand had nearly stopped them in their tracks, but they managed to reach Flento.

Once the storm had passed, they were finally on their way to Hearthglen. Sean was hoping to use the city to settle down and learn more about what he could do. However, that would require finding a way to make a living, which meant Sean would have to make a name for himself. That was always something he hadn’t wanted to do; it might earn him some friends, but the enemies he would certainly make might very well be his undoing.

Forged Bonds

Binding Words Book 4

Celtic LitRPG Harem

534 pages

Sean and his Bonded settled in Hearthglen to learn, train, and grow. Taking on an apprentice, setting up his shop, and Bonding both Chastity and Andrea to him, Sean felt like he would finally be able to learn about this world and try his hand at new things.

Sean stepped on some toes as he tried to find his place in the city, but by ignoring conventions, he friended smith and Shaper alike, forging friendships across the divide. The newly formed alliance discovered common ground when opposition rose up to hinder them.

Sean never anticipated the assassins that came for him and his Bonded. With Ida paralyzed and Ryann killed in front of him, Sean lashed out. He killed the attackers, healed Ida, and pulled Ryann back to the world of the living. Guards rushing toward them, Sean had decisions to make— ones that could shake the very foundations of Hearthglen, and maybe the world.

Flame of War

Binding Words Book 5

Celtic LitRPG Harem

428 pages

Forged Bonds was growing fast and becoming the talk of the city. Those opposed to Sean and his new association would be forced to act quickly, and so Sean was called to City Lord Sharpeyes’ party, where traps had been laid for him.After crushing the first obstacle, he was now set to fight a duel as Fredrick’s champion. Sean won the duel handily, once he got past the surprise of facing both Aria and Cuander, Lord Sharpeyes’ prized cuon, and went on to save Aria from death at the hands of Lord Sharpeyes’ son, Knight Evan Sharpeyes. But Sean’s troubles were just beginning. The plans Lord Sharpeyes had set into motion began to unfold, setting the stage for events that would push Sean to his limits.(This work contains adult situations that some might find offensive, the least of which is graphic sex. This book is about an Overpowered MC and contains a harem. You’ve been warned.)

Lost Bonds

Binding Words Book 6

Celtic LitRPG Harem

518 pages

After tightening the Bonds with his friends, Sean worked toward new things and trying to fix past mistakes. He and his growing family had just moved into a new home and hired on new staff for day-to-day matters. All he wanted to do was craft and love his wives, and it seemed like the peaceful life he hoped for might be within his reach.
Denmur and Lord Sharpeyes would not let that happen. Using their connections, they put into motion a chain of events that would reverberate across the city of Hearthglen. Sean was called to attend the Lord’s party— he came, bringing all of his family and friends with him.
Both sides were surprised by events as they unfolded, and it quickly became apparent that conflict would not be denied. With the Einherjar, a Valkyrie, and an old foe, Velin Dykstra, backing them up, Evan Sharpeyes and Klein Denmur challenged Sean to trial by combat.
Exhausted and with depleted energy, Sean still led his wives onto the field of battle. The fight was bloody and taxing, but in the end, Sean struck down Evan Sharpeyes before collapsing. With his eyesight fading, Sean looked at his wives, but only saw a few female-like figures rushing toward him. The last sound he heard was a great many wings converging on him, and his mind drifted to thoughts of Morrigan...
Word of Sean’s victory spread throughout the city, but none could say whether he had survived to enjoy it.

(This work contains adult situations that some might find offensive, the least of which is graphic sex. This book is about an Overpowered MC, and contains a harem. You’ve been warned.)

Noble Solutions

Binding Words Book 7

Celtic LitRPG Harem

520 pages

Sean had been through something close to hell— he’d taken out Klein Denmur and Knight Evan Sharpeyes, along with a few of Lord Truestrike’s servants, but Chastity and Lilly died on the fields outside the city. At the end of that battle, he claimed Helga Helsdottir, Soul Bonding her and renaming her Helga Oathsworn. With a Valkyrie by his side, Sean hoped never to lose another loved one to death.

His enemies were far from done with him, however. Attacks on the association and their families started, claiming lives and hurting Sean’s friends. Finished with just trying to live his life, Sean made plans to take on his enemies directly.

The turning point came when Sean confronted Denmur and his group outside the Golden Lion. Helga struck down Denmur’s champion, Knight Mithrilarm, during the ensuing duel, causing Denmur to snap. The fight left Denmur, plus dozens of others, dead.

Even that wasn’t the end— the corrupt guards in Lord Sharpeyes’ pay arrested Sean and Helga. As they were brought before Magister Amuret, Sean discovered just how far he’d pushed his enemies when he was attacked and killed in the courtroom.

Death could not stop Sean while he had energy to invoke his gifts from the Tuatha. Pushing death away, Sean got back to his feet and killed the guards and magistrate who had tried to murder him. He was brought before the unusually reasonable chief magistrate, who found Sean innocent of any wrongdoing.

Sean’s Bond with Helga gave him access to new planes, including the Bog. That was where the souls of Sean’s foes now went if they died while in combat with him. In an effort to find out more about who was directing the attacks against him, Sean paid a visit to the dead in the Bog. He was determined to end the troubles facing him, even if it meant finding a Noble Solution.

Accorded Nobility

Binding Words Book 8

Celtic LitRPG Harem

430 pages

After Magistrate Amerut’s attempt to kill him, Sean knew he still had troubles ahead of him. He knew that removing those who still stood against him would be difficult, but with his friends and family by his side, he started making plans.

Sean knew better than to simply rush off and commit murder. He worked to protect those dear to him, using his Talents and knowledge to bend the rules of the world he found himself in— sometimes near the breaking point— to craft new marvels

New doors opened when he healed the sister of Knight Toivo Bloodheart, setting more events into motion. Dame Hallie Bloodheart, for her part, proposed a plan to shield Sean from Lord Sharpeyes’s retaliation. She would marry him, which would raise Sean to the station of Knight.

Sean accepted the proposal with his wives’ approval, but first, he married Helga, his Chooser. The former Valkyrie was torn over how she should feel about Sean and treat him, but she loved him and was happy to fully join their family.

With two new wives and his intentions set, Sean went to Lord Sharpeyes’ party. Though his plan to force the Lord into a duel was thwarted, so too was Lord Sharpeye’s plan to murder all of his enemies. The battle left many nobles dead and Lady Sharpeyes indebted to Sean.

Once all of his troubles in Hearthglen had been dealt with, Sean was ready to move on. While the massive city of Accord was certain to present its own problems, Sean felt confident that he could face them with the backing of his family and friends.


Binding Words Book 9

Celtic LitRPG Harem

428 pages

Being a noble is not something Sean ever wanted, but life just propelled him along noble paths. First, he was an Aspirant, then a Knight, and finally, he had become a Lord. In the end, he stopped fighting it, realizing that he would need the social status to keep his promise to Myna and avenge the deaths at Oakwood.

Leaving Hearthglen behind, the family moved to the center of Queendom, the city of Accord. As the most important city in the Queendom, Accord had been Shaped from the ground up around the central tree that towered above every other structure in the city. The gigantic tree housed all of the city functions, and was the first project the Queens had undertaken on this world.

Sean and his family began to build the allies they could, knowing that Accord would see them dealing with more politics. Hallie set out to make allies with the lesser nobles— with the help of Dame Daria Iceblood— leaving Sean free to focus on his new healing clinic. After all, healing could give him the chance to win more people over.

Little did they know that the one they sought to undermine, Lord Truestrike, was already making strides toward his own plans. Soon, Accord would bear witness to two nobles vying to pull each other down… though hopefully without invoking the ire of the Advisor.

Truestrike's Treachery

Binding Words Book 10

Celtic LitRPG Harem

518 pages

Finally settled into Accord, Sean’s work had barely begun. The plan was to take away Lord Truestrike’s powerbase, then move against him, with Hallie working to strengthen their ties with the nobility. Sean knew better than to get involved with that side of things, knowing he’d just say the wrong things to the wrong people.

While Hallie worked on alliances, Sean focused on healing, bringing the conflict with Truestrike to the fore— the Lord tried to use his influence to push Sean out of the healing guild. The attempt failed spectacularly, as not only was Sean not thrown out, he ended with the majority of the guild siding with him.

Having the healers behind him helped Sean do more. Truestrike’s plots to injure the city guard kept being thwarted, and with the healers on his side, Sean was able to save the majors being targeted. His actions in stopping every attempt to destabilize the guards earned him goodwill with Commander Queensblood.

Beyond helping the guard, Sean also enforced a broken Agreement, bringing him before Advisor Mackenzie Earthfoot. He was meant to explain why he’d cost a noble his hand, but Sean did what he always did: he proved his innocence by helping someone. Giving Mackenzie her foot back put her into debt to him, giving him powerful allies just as the gala began.

The gala was a night of politics. Sean healed those his friends brought him to and tried to not react when he finally met Truestrike. The conflict that happened wasn’t with Lord Truestrike, but his daughter, Trisha. After asking Sean for a dance, the Dame accused Sean of killing Darragh back in Oakwood, then shoved him and stormed off the dance floor.

With the gala over, Sean wondered what was going to happen next. He’d made more allies, been recognized before all of society by the Advisor, and his clash with Truestrike was known. The only thing he was sure of was that the Queens would learn about him, and now, his time was running out before they came to Accord.

Divine Agreements

Binding Words Book 11

Celtic LitRPG Harem

593 pages

Sean had long waited for his chance to avenge his friends from Oakwood— when the time finally came, it was with several unlikely allies: High Lady Minerva Queensblood, who felt her family owed Sean for helping her son, Commander Queensblood. Advisor Mackenzie Earthfoot, who had to walk a thin line to not favor Sean too much, lest she earn the Queens’ ire.

With his friends and allies, Sean time and again thwarted Lord Truestrike and his minions. He even befriended his daughter, Dame Trisha Truestrike, giving her hope that she might one day see Darragh again. It was when Sean brought down the Greater Vampire, Luka, that High Lady Queensblood pushed for the duel Sean had long sought.

During the duel, Truestrike’s treachery was revealed when he summoned a Life Bonded dragon to kill Sean. Sean almost died a few times, but even a dragon bowed before him at the end. Ironically, it wasn’t Sean who finally killed Lord Truestrike. No, it was Trisha, who slew her father to avenge her lover, Darragh.

With Lord Truestrike’s death, Trisha was destined to take over the Truestrike House and have her son returned to her from her father’s grasp. That ended in tragedy, as the spoiled brat struck her down for ‘stealing his birthright.’ His reign only lasted as long as it took the guard to remove his head from his shoulders.

But more bad news was waiting— the scribes had sent messages to the Queens. Both Winter and Summer were coming, and Sean wouldn’t be able to avoid them. That put him on the clock to pull off what the stories had said he would do: find the Huntsman.

To manage that, he’d need to figure out how to open a portal back to Earth. If he did, Sean would likely find an old enemy waiting for him; Thor hadn’t forgotten the slights against his name, and he wanted revenge.

Time was ticking away, and Sean had to work fast. His wives, especially Fiona, were counting on him. Sean had never backed down from a challenge, and he wasn’t about to start now. He’d either figure out how to create a portal, or he’d end up facing the Queens on less than diplomatic terms.
