Daniel Schinhofen

I have been writing on and off, mostly very bad stories, since I was a kid. None of those should ever see the light of day, if they even exist anymore. I started seriously writing in 2015, when a friend of mine handed me a couple of books that blew my mind. They combined two things I loved— video games and books. The fledging genre was called LitRPG, which is still around along with the broader term Gamelit. It was those books that convinced me that the stories I used to make up might have an audience.

That spurred me into writing the first book I published, Last Horizon: Beta. Seeing that people liked the book convinced me to write the continuation of that series, Last Horizon: Live. That led to Alpha World, which was where I started to think that I might be able to become a full-time writer. It wasn’t until late 2017 that I gave the idea serious consideration. The continued fan response from that series, and the start of Apocalypse Gates, gave me the push I needed to take the plunge and become a full-time write.

That brings us to here and now. You’re very likely here because you want to keep up with my books, or maybe find merchandise that revolves around my works. We’re working on bringing a store to the site; if it’s not already up, then check back in a bit. You’ll also find links to the fan page here, my monthly blog posts, and my Patreon page.

Thank you for stopping by and reading though the entire about me section… What? You wanted to actually know more about me, and not my books?

Oh, okay. Maybe a little bit.

I’m an introvert, but I’ve been trying to break away from that by doing the Live Streams on the fan page.

Video games used to eat up all my free time, now writing does that so I don’t get to play like I used to.

I also used to be an avid reader, now I barely have time to keep up with some of my favorites; Michael-Scott Earle, Scottie Futch, William Arand, Eden Redd, and Blaise Corvin. You should check out all of those.

Before going full-time, I used to work as a paper pusher in the local county lock-up. Before that I worked almost every job in food & beverage.

I currently live with my girlfriend of many years, my dog, and two cats that belong to the girlfriend.

That’s about it, I’m not an exciting person, sorry. I do want to thank you for stopping by. Again, it’s because of fans that I can do what I’ve dreamed about doing, which is being an author, so my thanks
