Apocalypse Gates Author's Cut

GameLit LitRPG

8 Books (Complete)

Alvin woke in a room that was not his, to discover that he had died and his brain had been bargained off cheaply to pay off someone else’s debt. It did not sit well with him. It didn’t surprise him that even in death, people were still using him for their own purposes. He had never exactly been a good guy, but everyone had their breaking point, and he had found his.

The bastards in charge had uploaded his mind into a virtual death game. The whole world could now pay to see him play it and probably die. Alvin questioned whether he was really a bad guy, if this is how they wanted to treat him. Regardless, he was not about to wait for death to come for him. He would kick open the damn Apocalypse Gates and see about crushing everything that challenged him. It was time to make the world aware that he was done with pretending to be nice.

Welcome to Apocalypse Gates!

(This audiobook contains adult themes, including gore, death, drug use, and graphic sex.)

Rapture (Author's Cut)

Apocalypse Gates Author's Cut Book 1

GameLit LitRPG

346 pages

Alvin woke in a room that was not his, to discover that he had died and his brain had been bargained off cheaply to pay off someone else’s debt. It did not sit well with him. It didn’t surprise him that even in death, people were still using him for their own purposes. He had never exactly been a good guy, but everyone had their breaking point, and he had found his.

The bastards in charge had uploaded his mind into a virtual death game. The whole world could now pay to see him play it and probably die. Alvin questioned whether he was really a bad guy, if this is how they wanted to treat him. Regardless, he was not about to wait for death to come for him. He would kick open the damn Apocalypse Gates and see about crushing everything that challenged him. It was time to make the world aware that he was done with pretending to be nice.

Welcome to Apocalypse Gates!

(This audiobook contains adult themes, including gore, death, drug use, and graphic sex.)

Valley of Death (Author's Cut)

Apocalypse Gates Author's Cut Book 2

GameLit LitRPG

330 pages

Alvin had a rough week.

Thrown into a digital death-game, Apocalypse Gates, with only his wits and a less than helpful AI handler, Alvin’s prospects for survival looked bleak.

Managing not only to survive, but to thrive, he helped build a Settlement of survivors in Green River, Utah. Along the way he met the very sexy and broken Gothy.

He’s taken on the undead, mutated bugs and animals, and the worst possible enemy—other people—and triumphed. Nothing looked like it would be a major problem… except for the flight of dragons.

Now the Gates are opening, and Alvin and Gothy are heading out along the roads of America. They’ll need to earn XP, upgrade their stats and gear, found new Settlements, find allies, and hope they survive long enough to explore the world and each other.

The end of the world had come, and a new one awaits. Welcome back to Apocalypse Gates.

Gearing Up (Author's Cut)

Apocalypse Gates Author's Cut Book 3

GameLit LitRPG

416 pages

Alvin had another rough week, but this time, he had Gothy with him.

Travelling from Utah to Nevada, they were able to set up two more Settlements. Then they had to visit the world of Fey to rescue the kids of the Beatty, Nevada Settlement. Just when things looked like they were going well, the Developers got involved.

With the very rules of the game changing, Alvin found himself in a new position. Gothy pledged herself to him through the game system, leaving her collared and bound to obey his every whim. Coming to terms with their new relationship, Alvin wondered what would come next.

He wasn’t expecting a road trip north to loot an abandoned town, nor the Dragon that guarded it. What came as the biggest surprise was the chance encounter with a fantasy race whose gate had opened. What would come of this fateful meeting?

Elven Accord(Author's Cut)

Apocalypse Gates Author's Cut Book 4

GameLit LitRPG

528 pages

Meeting a dark Elf was unexpected. Kuro offered unconditional servitude in exchange for being saved, and Gothy was determined to make the most of it.

Kuro had a single request: to warn the Queen that the King had broken their pact. Alvin agreed to take her to her world to report, wondering if it would be as easy as it sounded. Meanwhile, Kuro held up her end of the bargain, doing everything Gothy asked of her.

Driving through the Svargax Gate, what they saw before them was not what any of them expected: two armies at war with each other, one composed of the dark Queen’s Elves, the other of the light King’s Elves.

Feeling his simple plan go out the window, Alvin decided to find out if the King’s Elves could be reasoned with. Realizing it would be more difficult than he thought, Alvin wondered if he could reach some sort of accord with either side.

Downtime and Death (Author's Cut)

Apocalypse Gates Author's Cut Book 5

GameLit LitRPG

570 pages

After visiting Nevada, California, and two Apocalypse Gates, Alvin was tired. With Gothy, and now Kuro, beside him, they faced necromancers, an undead army, and saved a Queen from assassination. Alvin could only wonder what was going to be thrown at them next...

First, however, a vacation was in order. Returning to Green River, seeing the first settlement he had helped build, and revisiting old friends was cathartic. Alvin knew that he would not be able to stay long, as something was bound to happen to push them back on the road again.

Alvin had to decide where they would go next, and had narrowed it down to two choices—south into Texas, or head north and east into Colorado and maybe the Great Lakes. Either choice would mean meeting new friends, new enemies, or both.

Can of Worms (Author's Cut)

Apocalypse Gates Author's Cut Book 6

GameLit LitRPG

536 pages

After making several profitable deals, it was time to go back through the Twurgh Gate and return to Earth. Alvin and Gothy had been surprised to learn that the newest member of their harem was a princess, but neither was willing to leave Desiree behind.

Once they were back on Earth, Alvin proposed a new destination, much to the amusement of his companions. They all agreed and went south out of Colorado, into New Mexico. The road south led them back to old friends in new places; Johnny, the native shaman from Bridgeport, was in Ignacio and in desperate need of help.

Strapping on their boots and loading their guns, the slightly demented (but equally fun) group got ready for one of the biggest can of worms they had opened so far.

Unexpected Dev-elopments (Author's Cut)

Apocalypse Gates Author's Cut Book 7

GameLit LitRPG

533 pages

Alvin was happy to finally give Gothy one of the things she’d been begging for all along— a plane— so he was understandably upset when it died in its first, short-lived flight as they helped the Red River Army Depot fend off a horde of zombies from Dallas

Gothy was happy to get a replacement for the plane, however, and the armored vehicle sporting a BIG gun pleased Alvin as well. With the Bradley Fighting Vehicle in their possession, he couldn’t help but wonder what could possibly be a real challenge in the future.

Alvin made the decision that they would all take a few days to learn what the Bradley was capable of before they ventured further east. Its Bushmaster gun delivered a hell of a kick to anything with armor, though Alvin wondered how they could acquire TOW missiles or high-explosive ammunition to boost their damage even more.

After Alvin and his group wiped a miniboss out without so much as breaking a sweat, Alvin should have been expecting more changes to the game he now inhabited. After all, he seemed to be a nexus of Dev-elopments as the game went on.

One Nation, Under... (Author's Cut)

Apocalypse Gates Author's Cut Book 8

GameLit LitRPG

662 pages

Alvin and his wives had been busy over the last few weeks. They’d gone out of their way to visit settlements they’d helped in the past, all while killing a string of mini-bosses across what had been the American west. Life looked good for Team Asshole… until the devs made a mistake.

Without any warning, Sammi stopped showing up. At first, they brushed it off as her being too busy, or maybe in trouble. That changed when a new dev showed up and tried to assert his dominance. That man was killed twice— first by Alvin blowing his head off his shoulders, then by Mousie running him through with both of her swords.

With the gloves off, Team Asshole started breaking things they’d left alone. They circumvented rules left and right, cheated fast travel, and did everything else they could. A third dev appeared and pleaded for a chance to explain.

Sammi hadn’t been fired, they were told. Instead, there was an unexpected development— Sammi was the first alpha tester. Now that they knew their friend was fine— and might even join them soon— Alvin and his wives backed off their shenanigans to give the new dev, Renato, a chance.

It wasn’t long after that that they received a message from Sammi. She was in New Orleans, stuck in the Superdome with a Loa named Erzulie, and she needed their help. With no hesitation, they loaded up their helicopter, Sky Blade, and set off to rescue Sammi and those with her.

After barely pulling off the rescue of Sammi and half a dozen other women, Team Asshole returned to their base. In the aftermath, Sammi joined Team Asshole fully, accepted as another wife by Alvin and with Gothy’s enthusiastic approval.